Breaking The Myth: Handicaps & Golf Clubs

Handicaps, Handicaps, Handicaps! Don’t we all love knowing where we stand in our golfing ability? While a handicap is a good numerical measure of a golfer’s skill—where a lower handicap indicates a more skilled golfer and a higher handicap suggests a less experienced player—this number doesn’t paint the entire picture. A common misconception, especially among beginners, is that their handicap should dictate the type of equipment they buy. This idea is often reinforced by marketing strategies that categorize equipment based on handicap ranges.


The truth is, Customization of your equipment holds far more value than Generalization. The equipment you choose should always be tailored to your unique swing, playing style, and physical attributes, rather than your H'cap alone. This is crucial because a club that works well for one low-H'cap player might not suit another player of the same H'cap but a different swing or body type. Regardless of your rating, a well-fitted club can offer substantial performance gains compared to investing in a product simply marketed to suit your H'cap.

Think about this: If you have a higher H'cap but a faster swing speed than someone with a lower H'cap, a product marketed for the lower-rated player might actually be the right fit for you. But how would you know this about your swing speed just based on your rating? That’s where we at ClubWorks come in. We’re here to show you that your rating is just one piece of the puzzle, and the data our TrackMan provides tells the real story about your performance.

Take this scenario for example. One of our customers had purchased an iron set based on his handicap and the data you see in the first image is from a couple of swings using his 7-iron.

This second image you see below is from the same exact customer, but instead using a custom set we built based on the data we gathered from his fitting session with us. A nearly 20 yard difference in his carry!

This data very clearly indicates that clubs built to your specifications provide real performance gains than buying a set off the shelf based on your handicap. 

We encourage players of all skill levels, whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, to get custom fit at our studio. For beginners, starting with a solid foundation and the right equipment can help you develop good habits early on. For advanced players, if you're looking to gain that extra club speed, yardage, or improve where you feel you’re falling short, ClubWorks has your back.

Your mentality behind a purchase should support your goals on the course. Everyone in the game wants to improve, but using the right tools to get there is something you, as a customer, deserve. At ClubWorks, we don’t just want to sell you products to hit our targets—we want to improve your performance because that’s what we strive for ourselves in the studio. This is our vision at ClubWorks. The players come first.

Trust the numbers. Trust ClubWorks.

Experience the power of Club fittings. Book your session today!


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